Online Services

Patient Access
You can use Patient Access to:
- Book or cancel appointments
- Order repeat prescriptions
The app is available to download on the App store and Google Play Store
For more information, click here
How to register with Patient Access
Visit us at the surgery with your driving license/ passport and we will print your linkage key and access codes.
For in dept information on how to link your GP to your account, click here
For Parents & Carers
If you are a patient at the surgery and would like to access a family member's Patient Access account please visit us with their driving license or passport. If they are over the age of 18, you must bring a signed letter stating that they have given consent for you to access and manage their account, your relationship to them and that you are their next of kin.
The NHS app
You can use the NHS app to:
- book appointments
- order repeat prescriptions
- access your medical records
For more information, click here
Badger notes - Pregnancy Care Planner
Badger Notes allows you real time access to your maternity, child or neonatal records. The information that appears is generated in real-time from your hospital based system using details entered by your midwife or other health professionals involved in your care.